Minimalism style in the bathroom: features, photo

Minimalist bathroom - the most preferred option for small apartments, in cases where it is impossible to allocate a significant area for the installation of sanitary facilities. The main features of the style - a minimum of things, maximum comfort.

Attached to the bathroom, this style allows you to leave the maximum free space, to avoid crowding, and at the same time have a stylish space for hygiene procedures, in which it is pleasant to be and which is convenient to use.

Minimalism in the bathroom is a simple form, light shades, a feeling of purity and freshness. The most popular color is white, it can be added with black and various shades of gray. This combination is classic, and allows you to create very interesting spaces.

The finish of the white room with black color makes it unusually spectacular. In this case, one wall may have a gray color, softening the sharp contrast.

The interior can look stylish and elegant, fully decorated in one color, for example, in white.

To avoid monotony, when designing a minimalist bathroom in one color, you need to add one or more other colors, for example, in the decoration (floor, ceiling or walls) or with bright plumbing and decorative items: it can be a living flower, a colored towel or any other accessory in a contrasting tone.

As in the rest of the premises, it is necessary to adhere to the general rules of creating a harmonious environment: do not use more than three different colors and their shades.

The style of minimalism in the bathroom can be created using other colors - for example, beige, sand, ecru. In this case, different shades of brown — coffee, bitter or milk chocolate — may be contrasted to them.

Quite popular in the design of bathrooms is a texture game: glossy surfaces alternate with matte. However, it is impossible to get involved in such a game, it is appropriate mainly in monochrome interiors.

If you intend to arrange the bathroom in the style of minimalism, you must be very balanced approach to the choice of plumbing. It should not delay attention, be too fanciful or too simple. Strict, elegant lines without unnecessary roundness or corners - what you need to emphasize the style. The same cranes should be adjusted in the form.

Suspended plumbing will facilitate cleaning and create the impression of spaciousness, even in small rooms.

The style of minimalism in the bathroom allows the installation of a bath and shower stall, it all depends on your choice. In the event that a shower cabin is installed, it should not be bulky. The best option - clear glass and thin metal edging.

Cabins without pallets look stylish and modern, in this case the whole “filling” is retracted into the floor or into a special podium. Such booths look easy and airy, do not clutter up the volume.

Watch the video: Modern design ideas for bathrooms. Best Stylish Modern bathroom picture designs (April 2024).

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