Projects of country houses: options for 6-10 acres

In the past there were times when there were 2 structures on 6 acres: a mobile house and a toilet with a heart carved on the door. Now the projects of country houses are varied, they build miniature summer houses for summer living and large country cottages with an attic, a veranda, a bath and a pool where you can live all summer, spend New Year's days comfortably or live year-round.

SNiP requirements for the construction of a country house

Preparation for construction begins with a thorough work on the documents, then think through how to fit there everything that will fit the plans. Information that dictates the rules aimed at ensuring the comfort and safety of residents and their neighbors, is set out in the technical regulations of the SNiP.

If you need permanent registration, the rules are mandatory. SNT services will also be available only after appropriate verification.

The main provisions of the SNiP:

  1. Sewerage at the cottage is optional, you can put a regular toilet, but the source of drinking water (piping, well) should be present.
  2. So that lovers of monumental buildings do not create inconvenience for neighbors, the rule prescribes to build them no closer than 3 meters to the fence between the plots.
  3. If there is a passage between the dachas, the house should be 3 meters from the “red line”, if it is a full-fledged street, - 5 meters.
  4. To minimize the risk of fire, the distances between buildings are regulated. Houses made of stone, reinforced concrete, block structures must be at least 6 meters apart, wooden - from 15, with wooden floors - from 8 m, if both stone and wood are present - 10 m. Between the well and the toilet, the compost zone must be at least 8 m.
  5. Fire safety regulations for a residential building are difficult to implement, but if there is only one or two floors, the requirements for fire resistance of materials for construction are much softer.
  6. If the cottage covers an area of ​​6-12 hundred, under construction there should not be more than 30% of its area.
  7. The border between the territories is enclosed with a grid, a grid, their minimum height is 1.5 m.
  8. There are also rules for the location of trees. But these nuances are negotiated with neighbors, members of the CNT, as well as the erection of deaf fences with a height above the norm.
  9. The project should include the height of living rooms from 2.2 m, utility rooms - from 2 m.

As for engineering designs:

  • drains do not lead to the adjacent area;
  • a cylinder of liquefied gas from 12 liters is stored in a metal box located not less than 5 m from the entrance, or in an extension built of inflammable materials;
  • only individual electrical wiring passes through the plot, an electric meter with sealing is located in the house;
  • this year, a provision has been introduced in which the house should be equipped with a radio current, it is necessary to notify the public about natural disasters, man-made accidents.

Materials used for building houses

Technical progress has not ignored the construction. Modern technologies reduce the process both in time and from a financial point of view. Other materials are so easy to handle and install that they allow those who have no experience in construction to work with them. To roof, insulate the walls, many will be able to do it yourself.

The cost of construction, its speed, reliability and durability of the building, other important parameters depend on the right choice of material. The question of the choice of material is decided in stages.


Before determining the type of foundation study the characteristics of the local climate, soil, the degree of load on the foundation. Find out a variety of soil, the level of freezing, how deep groundwater is located specifically in this area. In case of close-lying groundwater, it is necessary to abandon the design of the basement, make the base of the building raised, use screw anticorrosion metal piles or asbestos structures. In the preparation of estimates have in mind that the arrangement of the foundation will go about a quarter of the total costs.

Pillar or pile foundations

The foundation, consisting of recessed pillars - the most budget option. It is applicable in single-story buildings with low weight (made of wood, panel or frame). The pillars are installed in the corners, in the projections of the joints of the walls, partitions. Unite among themselves by means of a metal or wooden grillage. Where soils are capable of swelling or shifting, the columnar foundation is impractical. He also will not allow the design of the basement.

The base of the building, consisting of a group of piles, united by a concrete, wooden or iron grillage, is most often used on marshy ground prone to swelling. Piles are easy to install, do not require complex pre-excavation. On them it is permissible to construct compact buildings of brick, wooden houses, frame houses. Non-heavy country houses are mounted on screw piles.

Piles are convenient on weak peaty and clayey soils, in places with frequent flooding, on the slopes of hills. It does not even need to align the space under the foundation.

Strip foundation

The layout of this type of foundation must correspond to the perimeter of the house itself, the location of the internal partitions. It is built of brick, rubble stone, reinforced concrete. The strip foundation is quite stable, has increased wear resistance, withstands heavy panel, brick walls, large blocks. The time and financial costs are significant.

A small country house does not require much burial and investment. In areas with moist swelling, deeply freezing soils, a more economical type of foundation is needed.

The basis in the form of the monolithic reinforced plate

Reinforced concrete construction will serve as a reliable basis for a two-story or three-story building. The slab foundation is beneficial on soils that can swell, where it shifts without any special consequences, which is why it is also called floating. In addition to the main, has an additional function of the subfloor in the house.

The cost of slab foundation is quite acceptable. The minus of the construction is the impossibility of arranging the dacha construction of the basement or cellar.

Wall materials

The walls of houses differ in quality and cost. To determine the optimal material repel the purpose of the building. In buildings designed for year-round living, they use strong and durable materials. The most popular basic technologies are now:

  • when walls are erected from bricks or blocks by laying them wet on mortar;
  • frame assembly, ready-made panels are assembled as a designer.

Frame or shield

Erected in a short time, belong to the class "economy". The basis of the walls is a wooden frame with insulation. The house is good for temporary construction, for a young family that quickly wants to acquire their own housing.

According to this technology in Europe, the US has been building for a long time. In Russian latitudes, before dwelling on this method, it is necessary to weigh the positive and negative points. Quality materials are important. their improper storage, coupled with the lack of skills, proper experience of the builders will result in an unfit house.

What to consider when choosing a project:

  • without soundproofing, residents will suffer from increased noise levels;
  • on poorly treated structural elements in a humid environment with time a fungus appears;
  • high risk of ignition;
  • air exchange leaves much to be desired;
  • brick or stone house will last much longer, no matter what manufacturers say.


Only materials that provide high performance are used. Slag is combined with cement, clay. More durable products are obtained if lime is used instead of clay. In addition to the affordable cost, building material has:

  • good thermal insulation, which has a positive effect on the microclimate;
  • cinder blocks of a relatively large size, which requires fewer workers, construction time is reduced.

What can scare away:

  • in the cinder block structure there are difficulties during the installation of communication systems;
  • small degree of sound insulation;
  • internal and external decoration will be required, the blocks have an unattractive appearance;
  • protection from weathering is required.

Gas or foam blocks

Category of the most popular materials. By production use sand, cement, water that provides ecological purity. Differences - in addition. Aerated concrete is produced using a powder blowing agent, which creates a system of channels in the structure. The foam inside the air pores due to a special frother. Porosity helps to pass air, than provides a healthy microclimate. The advantages include:

  • good noise insulation;
  • the ease allowing to build quickly, to save on the base;
  • fire safety;
  • gas silicate blocks are easy to handle with any tool due to their high porosity;
  • the ability to use for finishing different materials.

There are downsides:

  • due to the porosity of the gas blocks, the walls of the building become permeable, require vapor barrier;
  • foam blocks are not strong, cracking when shrinking, the house of this raw material must be well reinforced.

Sandwich panel houses

They build houses from sandwich panels quickly and inexpensively. Panels with a three-layer structure, in the middle of the heat-insulating layer, on both sides pressed with wood, metal, plastic or magnesite plate. Constructions of SIP-panels are lightweight, durable, easy to transport and assemble.


  • low shipping costs, quick installation;
  • houses are not built above the second floor, the panels are connected with special locks, special equipment is not required, a strong foundation too;
  • construction is carried out at any air temperature;
  • the need for interior decoration is absent, the panels already have it, the exterior finish is any;
  • additional insulation is not required, CIP-panel is many times superior to other materials in its heat-insulating properties;
  • communication is convenient, rodents, fungus in the walls do not live;
  • there is the possibility of subsequent upgrades in the repair.

Without drawbacks, too, does not do:

  • it is necessary to involve only professionals in construction, with poor tightness at the joints cold bridges and freezing bridges occur;
  • for the construction of a residential house requires a material with non-toxic filler;
  • in the house-thermos need forced ventilation.

Timber or log house

Wooden houses - always beauty and environmental friendliness. They are not hot in summer, warm in winter, they "breathe". Modern construction materials are subjected to special treatments in order to protect against parasites, moisture, and make them more fireproof. House of profiled timber shrinks for about a year. In houses from glued laminated timber, they immediately start finishing works, time for shrinkage is not required, but the price is much higher.

Construction of a log house is a laborious process, it’s not possible to do it yourself. It will take a team of skilled, strong scissors, a lot of time and money. All stages of construction alternate with the expectation of shrinkage. If a bath is not being built, but at least a one-story house, you will not have to count on piles and pillars as a foundation. In the future, the structure will require constant care from the owner: protection from mold, parasites, periodic caulking, timely control of dampness.

Brick or stone buildings

The use of stone provides the building with reliability, beauty, durability. Stone houses look spectacular, they give any shape. The advantages of a stone structure:

  • lack of influence on them of fungi, other parasites;
  • resistance to the adverse effects of winds, precipitation, temperature extremes;
  • high thermal conductivity (minus for winter time).

There are few disadvantages, but they also exist:

  • a large mass of stone house will require a well-embedded foundation.

The same minus is inherent in brick houses. Besides:

  • brick walls warm up for a long time, slowly cool down; in winter it will take several days to warm up the unheated room for a long time;
  • "wet" construction work can not be carried out in severe frost or rain;
  • the material is not cheap, working with it will require the involvement of a qualified, therefore, expensive specialist.

Brick, like stone, is beautiful and environmentally friendly, but, unlike him, "breathes." In a brick house, good sound insulation. The best properties has a ceramic brick. Silicate is more dense and well absorbs moisture.

To reduce costs and the load on the foundation, a solid brick is replaced with a hollow or laid out of it lightweight walls with a cavity between parallel masonry, which is filled with insulating material. If necessary, lay the wall in one brick, and provide protection from the cold insulation.

Mounting and roofing

Choosing roofing materials, pay attention to their operational, technical characteristics, cost.

Ceramic tiles

Classic material fits any stylistic direction. Roofs of a complex configuration are covered with tiles, and individual elements can be easily replaced over time. The material is so beautiful that other coatings often try to imitate it.

Tiles are made of clay according to old technologies that have not changed. The porous structure protects from heat and cold, and for less water permeability, the outer surface is treated with agnob and glaze. The roof protects well from noise and absorbs sounds itself. The pounding of pigeons, the heavy rain of the hosts will not be disturbed.

The disadvantages include fragility, a large mass, which must be taken into account at the design stage of the roof, during transportation, installation. The cost of the material, working with him rather big.

Cement-sand tile

On external signs it is close to natural, but it is a concrete structure. The HRC decently weighs, which leads to an increase in the cost of all parts of the structure: the foundation, walls, rafters. With proper installation, such a roof will not be blown away by the wind.

As for the drawbacks, the main ones are a big cost, "thanks to" the cement in the composition absorbs moisture well. After 5-7 years, the development of mold and moss is noticeable; under-roof waterproofing at the joints is fogging up. The rough surface retains the snow, which affects the supporting structures. Installation is difficult because of small pieces, it also contributes to leakage. The strength of a small, fallen branch can cause serious damage: to replace one piece, each tile is unscrewed from the ridge in order to reach the place of replacement.

Bituminous roof

Another name - soft roof. It resembles roofing material, but the composition - sheet fiberglass, which is poured with bitumen. To increase the strength, stone shale or basalt chips are applied to the front side, and a self-adhesive surface is applied from the inside. An excellent solution for the design of a custom roof with a complex geometry.

It looks aesthetic, well absorbs sounds, bends. Of the disadvantages:

  • burns;
  • it is fragile in the cold;
  • melts, smells of intense heat.

Metal tile

It is a galvanized sheet coated with polymer. The shape is similar to traditional tile. The quality of products depends on the thickness, the density of the protective coating, the number of layers. It is important on what equipment the material is produced. If there are geometrical errors, laying sheets without gaps will not work. Overall dimensions, color of a metal tile are various.

The material is easily transported, easy to install, has a low weight. What may not like during operation - noise. Another of the drawbacks is that during installation a lot of waste is generated. Manufacturers promise up to one hundred years of operation.


Reliable material having a cement composite base, which is strengthened by asbestos fibers. Inexpensive, well isolates noise. Asbestos releases harmful substances over time, not every country is allowed to use it.

The quality is much better and longer serves shale slate. It is slightly lighter, somewhat irregular in shape. Qualitative maintains the weight of a person, if you stand on it. On the roof, both species behave well, protect from the weather, noise. Please be careful when shipping. Complex architectural elements are unlikely to succeed.


For those who prefer low cost rather than external signs, galvanized steel sheets are in use. Scope is wide: this is a roofing material, and decorative cladding. The professional sheet is used not only for roofs, it serves as a replacement for wooden partitions, acts as an interfloor overlap, becomes a fence, a wall of a barn, garage. They sheathe balconies, make light roof over the veranda, porch, terrace.

Installation is simple, the period of safe operation is long. The disadvantage - very noisy.

Flanged steel roof

Popularity deserved durability, ease, speed of installation. Moreover, the installation is not necessarily carried out on site. Особое фланцевое соединение исключает протечки, оцинкованная сталь не коррозирует даже на швах.Among the shortcomings - increased noise, poor impact resistance.

The material used in the device eaves overhangs, used for wall gutters, gutters, combining with other types of roofs.

Copper roof

Duration of service (up to 150 years) due to its invulnerability. The reddish color is first changed to brown, then almost black due to the patina, which protects the metal from corrosion. Repair of copper coating is not difficult. It is not necessary to change the sheet or strip, they simply patch and brew it to the place of damage. After a time - this place will not be noticeable.

Bad in the copper roof - it is too heat conductive, which creates difficulties in the hot summer, in winter, you may need to use the anti-icer system. The tightness of the joints is not always perfect.

New copper roof does not need care, stripping, staining. The metal is completely harmless and even has anabolic properties. Thin sheets take the form of any surface, any architectural experiments are possible with copper.

Arrangement of internal partitions

Internal partitions divide the house into separate rooms, zones, in accordance with the plan. Their basis is lags, not the foundation. These structural elements are made of foam blocks, bricks, plywood. Depending on the design of the room, use glass, wood, used in the decoration of lumber, plywood, OSB, chipboard.

Before choosing, think through a number of nuances:

  1. The degree of sound insulation between the rooms.
  2. How close the wall will be to moisture sources or stoves.
  3. Do you need access to certain networks.
  4. How likely is the possibility of redevelopment in the future.
  5. Will the partitions be erected during the construction phase or already on a "clean" finish.


Insulation works are carried out from the outside of the building, from the inside, or the thermal insulator is placed inside the wall during the construction phase. A combination of several methods may be used. The most popular outdoor insulation, which prolongs the life of the house, protects against cooling, freezing.

The most common types of insulation - mineral wool, foam or extruded polystyrene plates. Any work on thermal insulation is carried out at a positive temperature (+ 5-25 ° C), in strict sequence. This will help avoid the formation of condensate, fungus, mold.

Facade decoration

Facing the facade, in addition to the decorative function, has a purely utilitarian value. It protects from weathering, withstands a banal ball kick, does not collapse from a collision with a wheelbarrow. Brick, stone wall or log house does not need additional facade decoration. Other materials will extend the service life, it is better to keep the microclimate of the interior, if sheathed the facade of the building.

Types of finishes do not count:

  1. Facade plaster.
  2. Fiber cement boards. They look modest, but for the house in the village the most that.
  3. Slab, other sawmill waste. Costs are small, but will allow you to make the original appearance of the house.
  4. Natural stone or its artificial imitation.
  5. Metal (siding, corrugated, Corten steel).
  6. Mosaic.
  7. Many others.

Variants of projects of country houses

The most sought-after projects are timber, logs or construction projects using frame technology. For those who give preference to capital structures, typical projects of block houses, summer cottages of gas silicate blocks, and expanded clay concrete will be suitable. The leaders in demand are single-storey mini-cottages, houses with an attic, and a polycarbonate garage. Ready country projects are adapted to the needs of a particular family.

Project of a small one-story house

The country house of the modest sizes will provide comfortable stay in it. Compact cottage in one level provides for a fireplace inside, covered terrace outside. When planning a vacation with the whole family, you can choose a project where the bedroom will be on the second level. If funds are available, choose the option that allows year-round living. Connoisseurs of modern style will focus on the design with a flat roof.

Medium sized house

This is usually the structure of the classical form, approximately 10x10 with simple forms and a gable roof. There is a closed kitchen and a covered terrace. In addition to the extra room, which can be turned into a library, study, guest, there is a technical room for tools, garden equipment. The bedroom, located in the attic, adjoins the balcony. To keep warm in the winter, provide a vestibule.

Large building

If there is a large family, the building is planned to be used as residential and not only in summer, they build a capital house from a rounded log, a bar, develop a project for a brick house with attic insulation or even a full-fledged second floor. The first floor is a kitchen, living room. The bathroom is usually located here. On the second floor are planning bedrooms, possible study or other premises.

House with attic

Possible summer and winter version. For year-round use of the house, the attic is left without insulation, it is insulated only on the first floor and having made an airtight entrance between two levels. To increase the free space of the attic, the walls are slightly raised, and the roof is made not with a gable, but with a broken line.

Terrace House

The covered terrace is very convenient for gatherings on summer evenings, classes with seeds, seedlings. Her plan can be developed together with the plan of the house and provide a common foundation. Most often it is attached later on a separate column, pile foundation. The roof is also mounted separately. On top of the foundation is laid wooden flooring, located above the surface of the earth. The design is always open.

House with glazed veranda

It is more convenient to build a veranda at the same time as the house. a separate foundation will allow you to grab no more than 2 m. The veranda may adjoin 1-2-3 walls. It is partially or completely glazed, getting an additional room where they equip the living room, kitchen, sports area. In the summer, the windows can be fully opened. If an extension is not planned for housing, it will be equipped with an inexpensive lean-to roof, in harmony with the overall design.

House with garage

Garage, attached to the house or located on the basement level, will significantly save space. With such a plan, it is worthwhile to think over in advance where to locate the door to the room so that gasoline fumes do not penetrate the veranda or hallway.

Two-storey house

With the modest size of the plot it makes sense to increase the living area of ​​the cottage at the expense of the second floor. The load on the foundation at the same time increases slightly, by 60 percent. Floors and roofing also do not take away excess funds. Will have to spend on interfloor ceilings and walls.

Country house with a bath or sauna

A separate building will cost more, so the option with an extension is more profitable. Even with the simultaneous construction of residential buildings and baths, they are placed on different foundations, and the walls between them are carefully insulated to avoid cracks. It is even better if there is a passage between the rooms or at least a shelter. It will be more difficult for a host to take water procedures to catch a cold, and the walls of the house will be well-insulated. If a bath or sauna is adjacent to the house, a stove can be built near the adjacent wall from the side of the house. Housing is more useful, the bathing room will dry out faster.

House with bay window

Figured protrusions of various forms will be organic only in projects with special architecture. They are attached after the construction of the main building. On an additional area have a winter garden or office. Console plates act as the base. They are embedded in the bearing wall, it is pre-strengthened.


A modern summer resident uses a summer cottage not only for growing and subsequent pickling of cucumbers, although there are many people who like to dig in the ground, grow a new variety of tomatoes or an exotic fruit. Buildings in the form of a bent-back shed are not currently in trend, most want to relax comfortably and interestingly outside the city in order to gain strength for the upcoming work week. People come to the summer cottage not to work hard, but to have a good time, play with the children, barbecue, drink a glass with friends. Therefore, the cottage is now equipped with universal houses, and a place around, in addition to the beds, is occupied by ponds, lawns, and flower gardens. Beauty and benefits.

Watch the video: The EASY way to CLEAR LAND! (April 2024).

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