Fireplace decoration with decorative stone

In recent years, the fireplace has ceased to be an exclusively classic element of the interior. Modern biomodels are made of metal and glass, and they work on environmentally friendly fuel, which does not produce smoke and soot. Fireplaces are becoming a central element in the design of living rooms, libraries, bedrooms and kitchens. They replaced the cumbersome ovens on which they used to cook.

Graffiti in the interior

The word “graffiti” was borrowed from Italian, where it means “scratched”. For many older people, this concept causes unpleasant associations with a crowd of self-affirmed teenagers, who spoil the architecture of the city with their creative endeavors. In fact, graffiti is a modern art form, and professional graffiti artists are genuine masters of their work, whose works are admirable, not censured.

Interior foam decor

Since ancient times, people decorate their homes - some spend fabulous sums on this, others use scrap materials. In matters of decoration takes into account the ratio of price and quality, attractive appearance, durability, complexity of installation. The diverse decor of the foam has a low price, looks good, has a wide range of applications, and many of the elements of it is easy to do with your own hands.

Fireplace decor: ideas and ways of decoration

A fireplace is one of the elements of an “expensive”, luxurious interior, although it used to exist in every home. It seems you can look at burning fire forever. Since ancient times, people gathered around such a hearth to warm up and cook food. Houses in ancient times were heated by fire, with the help of it they made candles, soap, glass products, painted fabrics, smoked fish, meat.

Gold wallpaper in the interior

Gold wallpapers in the interior of any room look expensive, chic. They are quite versatile, as they have a very wide palette. With their help, it is easy to create a luxurious design of any room. Fascinating brilliance draws attention to itself, reflecting the warm light. About how good the wallpaper is golden shades, how they are combined with other finishing of different rooms of the apartment, how to choose them for a certain style, more in the text of this article.

Decorative brick for interior decoration +75 photos in the interior

The use of silicate brick in construction is unlikely to surprise anyone. However, recently, a new finishing material - decorative brick - has been widely used. Skillfully executed fragmentary masonry transforms the design of the home room, creating the atmosphere of a New York loft, country house, old Russian princely chambers or a medieval castle.

Arch design and decor methods +75 photos

Arch designs are usually designed and made into reality on their own. Nowadays, apartment owners are trying to arrange their housing in a stylish and unique way. For these purposes, apply the most extraordinary design solutions and use unusual materials. The decorative arch allows not only to emphasize the delicate taste of the apartment owners, but also to give it a touch of light, refined luxury.

Stained glass in the interior: types and examples +75 photos

When the word "stained glass" immediately appears the image of the central windows of the masterpieces of European architecture - Gothic cathedrals. Sunlight passing through, the inner space filling the colors of the game, huge decorative glass compositions painted the cold stone of the temples with bright highlights. This element of the decor has always been costly due to the uniqueness of the work of the masters, the complexity of the selection of fragments, the duration of the docking process and spikes.

LED strip in the interior +50 photo lighting ideas

The appearance in the 60s of monochromatic illumination literally turned the world of lighting fixtures. LEDs began to be used everywhere. At first, illumination with the help of LEDs was point-like, this option was used to create billboards, then LED strip appeared in the interior, and the horizons for using the backlight were significantly expanded.

Chandeliers in the interior +75 photo sample

Any room, regardless of the style and design, needs additional lighting. Even if the room has a lot of windows and during the daytime sunlight penetrates into every corner, at dusk it is necessary to turn on artificial light. To do this, you can use small built-in light sources, wall lamps, floor lamps, table lamps.

Interior decoration +50 photo ideas

No matter how the designers try to arrange your housing following all the canons, the rules of style. No matter how beautiful the result is, any most attractive picture will be devoid of soul, unless you bring something of your own into it. Decorating the house by the owner himself makes it not just a box - cosiness settles here.

Pictures in the interior of the living room +75 photos

The finishing point of the design process of any room is to complement the furnishings with small elements of decor that allow you to add individual features to the interior. The living room is the most public place in the house, so a special approach is needed to decorate it. First of all, the situation should be suitable for all family members, have friendly communication and be hospitable.

Window decor with curtains and not only +75 photos

Оригинальный и правильный декор окон способен изменить вид любого помещения. Selection of curtains should be carried out on the basis of convenience and efficiency of their use. Fans of non-standard solutions will love the Austrian, Roman models and bamboo products. The refined natures will like linen with lambrequins.

DIY decorative fence +50 photo

The owners of private real estate are always trying to improve the area around the buildings. Create a special design style of the fence, internal shtaketnikov, in harmony not only with the facade, but also the surrounding landscape. A beautifully made external enclosure, making up a single composition with the house, stands out for its exclusivity among monotonous buildings.

Imitation of the window in the interior +30 photo

In modern interiors are often false design. These can be windows, doors that add special comfort to the design of a room, and visually increase the free space. Using imitation of different designs, you can hide some defects of the walls and create a special atmosphere of heat. Application in the interior Every person wants to see beautiful landscapes from their windows in the mornings.

Decorating arch decorative stone +50 photos

One of the options to create at the same time an original and practical interior, you can recognize the design of the doorway in the form of a beautiful arch. Now it has become fashionable to combine the kitchen and dining room, living room and bedroom into one room. In this case, the arched opening unites the rooms, but leaves a certain isolation behind each functional space.

Cork in the interior +40 photo ideas

Cork is a unique material created by nature, which has no artificial analogs. In fact, it is the bark of cork oak, whose birthplace is the Western Mediterranean. The first who began to use cork material in the home, were the Greeks. They used it to make bottle closures and roof decks.

Wedding Hall Decor +100 photo DIY design ideas

On the solemn day of the wedding ceremony, everything should be perfect - and the dresses of the newlyweds, the decoration of cars, the place for painting, and the restaurant. Now the design of the wedding hall can be entrusted to the designer or the whole creative agency, and you can do it yourself. Looking through the wedding albums of friends or studying photographs on the Internet, you can find millions of creative ideas for the design of the celebration.

Bamboo in the interior

The use of bamboo as a material for interior decoration is quite justified, since natural aesthetics and environmental friendliness create comfort and safety for a person. Bamboo in the interior is in harmony with a variety of natural materials and is used to create a traditional oriental flavor, and for modern high-tech interior.

Floor vases in the interior +51 photos of different styles and forms

Beautiful furniture, original wall decoration, stylish curtains - all this is an integral part of the design of the room. But only such insignificant things at first glance, such as souvenirs, photo frames, throw pillows, etc. able to make the room truly cozy and harmonious. One of the popular and win-win options are floor vases.